August 31, 2011

Mini Belarus?!

I was at school today, minding my own business, when I saw a young girl who was wearing a dark blue jumper, white shirt, and white hairbow. On top of that, she had the same hair color and length as Belarus.

Let's just say I was a tad freaked out and happy I'm not Russian.

August 28, 2011


Today, I asked my friends what their favorite state to visit was, hoping they would answer Florida.

Guess which one of my friends said Florida? My guy friend, Ben.

It was so funny I laughed until I was rolling around on the ground. My friends thought I was a total weirdo...

I'm not weird! I'm just obsessed with Hetalia...
Okay, maybe I'm just a tad weird.

I'm gonna be hanging out with one of my Hetalia-fan friends today! We're hopefully gonna make a YouTube video!

August 27, 2011


OMG, I have, like, the biggest awesomest thing, like, ever! (I need to stop talking like Poland :P)

So, I was at Chick-Fil-A with my family, when my sister pointed out a guy with a British accent. Now, not only did he have a sexy British accent, but guess what else? He had two little boys with him, and they both had blond hair!

Guess where my mind went.

Sexy English dude = England
Slightly taller little boy with dark blond hair = America
Shorter little boy with lighter blond hair = Canada

My sister and I couldn't take our eyes off of them the whole time! A couple of times little America saw us looking at them, and told England. I'm sure he was wondering why we were stalking the little boys...

The only thing that would've made it better is if the English guy was gay and had a lover with a French accent or looked like France, even though I'm not a FrUK shipper. I just love that whole family dynamic thing!

MLIH (My Life Is Hetalia)

We ended up going to the mall today! And I found the Hetalia shirt I wanted! Except I left my money at home, so I was unable to buy it :(.

Here's a pic!

Sorry it's a little small; we had to use my sister's camera phone for the picture.

Prussia makes Canada...

Feel like he's living the teenage dream!

I was listening to "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry earlier on my iPod, and I thought it would make a perfect PruCan song! It just works! Don't question me!

In other news, I am hopefully going to the mall tomorrow with my sister and her friend! Why am I excited about this, you ask? Because in this particular mall, they have a Hot Topic. Hot Topic just so happens to sell Hetalia t-shirts with ENGLAND AND AMERICA ON THEM!!!! *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE* What can I say? I'm a hopeless case.